05 April 2009


i did nearly nothing but draw and read this weekend. lots of tea,
today, i walked with m to a nice field and we did a lot of walking and talking and four leaf clover and bananas, evolution, inward quotes and ONE HANDED SOMERSALT little legs
summer salts. that sounds so lovely.
i spoke with h tonight and i hope she can come to the city with n and i this saturday. it would be lovely, especially taking the train. h says i should throw a party, as i would be a good host. that was a nice thing to hear.
i told her, recently all i have wanted is to grow older and live
in a too small apartment and buy tons of wine and cheese and strawberries
and have close friends and turn out the lights and use candles.
thinking of: a useful, amusing yet absentminded hobby. ie, embroidery. used to do that. why did i stop?
why do people ever stop? curious
warm breath of air today, it was beautiful
golden glow moon, m pointed out orion's belt for me.
goodnight mouse, goodnight house