30 December 2008

just walk around with me!

six things that make me happy. six is no where near large enough a number. i shall roll with it anyway! ROLL I SAY!
1 films: ah! good ol' cinematography. how can you hate sitting around watching films all day?! it is simply an unhateable thing. the way directors and writers and actors and the innumerable other members of cast come together to make something magnificent--something they consider to be art, and is--there is a certain level of complexity to a film but no matter how simple or complicated a film is, there is an impossible amount of detail that goes into it. the soundtrack, loactions and sets, costumes; all those costumes! and if there are crowd scenes, hundreds of extras.. i just can't wrap my mind around how they pull all of this off. and great films are even more astounding. films by directors like francois truffaut and michael gondry and alfred hitchcock and woody allen and wes anderson and sofia coppola and tim burton all amaze me in all of their endeavors. they leave long-lasting impressions on me and people who view their films. and be it short films, silent films, indie films, adaptation films, animated films, or any other sort of style i'm forgetting, they can all touch you in some way, pull some string within you, and that's just pretty astounding because when it comes down to it (unless the film's a documentary or based on real events) the whole thing's just a story, complete fiction, made up. but we still believe it! they have the ability to make us believe it, that's the best part.
2 stars: those glittering little dots in the night sky. unfortunately i don't have much of a chance to see these at night much; i don't have time and this town's not the best for star watching. but beaches and in the countryside, or anyplace that isn't too urban, are great for it. for seeing stars. if you have time to really look at them, especially if you're alone just lying on the ground outside, they just make you think of how big everything is and how small you are. it sounds depressing but they really are eye-opening, and they seem so close but they also seem so far away at the same time. they're untouchable little gems up there, looking down at you, trying to tell you something, a story. they just have this ability to make me feel empty and while that sounds kind of horrible, it really is pretty neat, that these dusty bits of space can make your emotions go this way and that so strongly and abruptly. astrology is a beautiful thing. (plus i love the shape of cartoon stars, with the five points.)
3 nice tea: one of the christmas gifts that i bought with my grandmother (for the kitchen of our house) was a set of tea, straight from china, hand-sewn dry tea leaves and flowers that blossom when you pour water over them. there are only about ten different individual blossoms in the set, but they are beautiful. not only that, they taste very lovely as well. and not just this tea; almost all tea i encounter is wonderful. i do enjoy black tea the most (earl grey is my favorite really). tea is just such a pretty thing, they really consider it art in some parts of the world (mostly asia i think) and it just warms me in the greatest way. i love coffee too, but it just doesn't have the same effect as a nice tea does.
4 pressed flowers: my other grandmother has been pressing flowers for years. every so often i'll be at her house, and my dad will be with his brothers working on some little project (the house is really old and constantly needs some form of repair) and i'll have the chance to go into her bedroom and just look at everything. it sounds funny but all my girl cousins and i loved doing it as little little kids. i found on her bookshelf a few books, and inside them pressed flowers as old as from the 60s and 70s! i've taken akin to pressing flowers myself, i just think they're so pretty. dried preserved flowers, brittle but they do last a long time and you can easily save them by just pasting them with clear nail varnish to a page in a journal or just a piece of paper. just a small hobby that i enjoy. it's special.
5 good music: i really don't know how i can express this without sounding cliche or writing too much :/ i just think it's incredible how musical artists can come up with the lyrics they come up with. i mean it really is poetry. listening to music can really change your spirits, or your mood and really uplift you or just agree with you. it's just simple, some music is just GOOD and worth listening to and enjoyable. i really can't say anything more! :O
6 good friends: i see this #6 and just sigh. you just can't get much better than a good friend or a group or good friends, or seperate good friends, good individually in their own different ways. whatever it may be, a good friend is one of the best parts of your family. they aren't your relative and they come from a completely different set of ancestry, and that's the brilliant thing; there isn't as much pressure and you just fit with them, you're right with them. you can express things to them you may not be able to express to your immediate family, they offer new ideas and opinions and are a shoulder or a heart (or a brain, er) when we need one. laughing and crying with good friends is the best. memories and photographs! momentoes and "family members" that last for forever. meeting new people is also an astounding thing but this is getting too extensive anyway.
and i would mention art and citites and photographs and literature but i haven't the room or the willpower. we'll leave it to another post.
if you read all that, i applaud you.
ps: the last image is from flickr.
"flashback humor."

27 December 2008

sailing over wave and tide

i'm a huge sucker for sailboats. they just look so perfect all the time, all quiet and they look so intimate and and. just a little floating world to yourself on the open sea...! i'd like to do that someday, go sailing. just you and one or two companions and sailing. simple. simplest happy.

26 December 2008

all these paper people forgot how good ga ga ga ga ga was

why can't i just talk to people on aim like a normal person?! i just ignore everyone on aim. it's stupid. and saying aim i feel like i'm at a shooting range or summer camp. i have some weird irrational despise for guns except seeing them in drawings is sometimes neat. summer camp's awesome however, all strawberries and lemonade and sailing on lakes. isn't the parent trap a good movie? i mean i always thought so! auuu
i meant to take some pictures today but i forgot but you don't care anyway. i'm just sitting in my room (on the floor all the time for some reason) daydreaming and watching stranger than fiction too many times and trying to write and draw in pencil and pretending i'm in a silent movie and eating sweet things :O macarons would be nice, or cupcakes. something that reminds me of what lauduree did for sofia coppola in marie antoinette.
i always sing out loud when i'm listening to music and sometimes (most of the time) it just sounds stupid especially when it's wierd songs by neutral milk hotel and animal collective that only sound good when the band sings them especially animal collective because you can never hear what's being sung anyway. why do people try to cover certain bands like on youtube especially? it just ruins things. speaking of which, i could probably sing /// write out the entire song "Grass" because i know it so well by heart. bragging sorry.
yesterday (on christmas YEAH) i was at that house, and it was so nice and i love that house so much. and we were all talking about how crazy she is and then we thought she heard us but she didn't actually. and i like taylor's glasses a lot and everyone gushed about how talented you are and as usual there were about eight bottles of wine. a few of them were homemade by the talented one (please) and one of them was nice but i didn't try it (i actually didn't try any) but the label was pretty cool and the bottle was cool too and the label art was just SO cool for once and i was happy about that because the other label design sucked, but that bottle was blue so that was pretty cool but i prefer the dark green bottles. House of Drunks. the House of Drunks. casa del'umbriaco? ubriaco? something like that.
and then the three of us wrote in that traditional notebook THING and i wrote something sappy about the path of life or something stupid and then the other two wrote funny stuff that was true and i was jealous of and then i felt more stupid and i just folded aluminum foil. then taylor said me and matt had the same handwriting and it is true, i have developed the devereaux handwriting. messy. small. weird. tall.
there were also as usual a million new york times crosswords that everyone was doing basically. everyone. that's another weird thing, my dad's family all love crosswords.
i wish i had neat self-taken pictures for you :( tomorrow j'ai promissssss i'll stack up my presents real nice and take wonderful colorful photographs for you that remind you of what lauduree did for sofia coppola in marie antoinette.
in the meantime
always ramblin about nothing, do you enjoy that?

22 December 2008

it's for my girlfriend. make it out to ralph. "Your girlfriend's name is ralph?" it's for my brother.

drawrings pour vous et vous et vous. i've done these over the past couple of weeks or so. i have them scattered all around my room, the one on lined paper is actually a journal entry that i wrote while i was watching eternal sunshine. i did it in my french notebook and then ripped it out. it needs to be pasted into my journal :/

part of the pessimistic spy bunny weird comic thing i did /// little stars, doodles, rain girl and and an eye and a bow and some writing.

coldplay :O

more of the rainy lonesome girl

this is jackson's drawing, a self portrait and his letter

this was supposed to be ingrid schram!

and this i drew today while watching stardust memories (again) :')
i'm home "sick" today. i have a not-so-high fever (only 100, MAYBE 101) and i don't feel too horrible actually. i really wish i could go outside, it's about fifteen degrees and of course it ain't snowin cause the clouds are off playin backgammon above london again! bastardsss
london skies /// jamie cullum
surfing on a rocket /// AIR
morden /// good shoes

click to enlarge the photos :O

21 December 2008

the way i look at it i don't have any right to give him one

so it's half after eleven, and i'm sitting at the kitchen table in tomorrow's outfit waiting for mini weenies to be done baking.

my dad bought these for my french class. we had to do these food projects and my teacher assigned me these. they aren't even french! anyway, i thought they were microwavable, turns out they have to be baked in the oven (for 12-14 minutes at 450 degrees F no less). and then i realized shortly before starting this that i also told myself i would study for a test i have tomorrow in biology "before i went to bed" which will probably be around midnight.

so to pass the time, i'm sitting here at my laptop, at this old wooden table yettt again, listening to weird indie music, searching random things on wikipedia, going through lolita's archives and bugging a few random people with annoying small talk and irky questions. why does AIM have to be so awkward? and why do we have school for a day and a half?! seriously pointless.

i'm not even tired. and i have to get up at six so i have time to get these WEENIES out of the fridge and put them in a nice shopping bag so i don't forget them. i don't think i'll have much trouble waking up though. at least i hope not. at least i don't have gym. at least at least at least. that's the last thing i should be saying right now.

i'm christmas shopping on tuesday (so lateeeee ugh) and and andddd gosh i hope the weenies don't burn.

James Gillray, 1794. look at that. we were even superficial bitches in the eighteenth century.

mid-sweet talk

i wish i could do a really long ramblin no-separate-paragraphs post, so long you can hardly read it and i did some long ones on the old blogger but not too long not as long as i want. just like this, skimp on using commas every so often and it's really fun.

all day i've been doing a whole lot of nothing. i did my french project and a lot of algebra homework which is just a load of pointless and drank hot tea and Ferrero Rocher truffles. we don't have any snow and we won't be getting snow till at least january. why can't we get snow? isn't this boring state supposed to be cold in the winter? it should be if it's not supposed to be, at least. mother nature is never on my side it seems. she never gives us SNOW. DIS AINT NO UPSTATE NEW YORK OR CHICAGO OR SUM SUM but that don't mean we can't get no goddamn snow!

why do I talk briefly to people i want to talk more to and too much to people i don't need to talk so much to? i watched the Lake Michigan music video a lot today which is pretty awesome but still just O.K., and i watched about four videos of animal collective singing "grass" live aaaaahhh it would be TOO SICK to see them in concert, i would love to so much sometime. i would treasure the ticket stubs fo'EVAH. same with stars, or broken social scene, or rufus wainwright or THE POSTAL SERVICE. or jeffree star for laughs even though i can't stand that piece of shit.

school last week was not fun at all. it was fine i guess but there were LOSSA tests and i have two more tests tomorrow. we have school for tomorrow and tuesday. and then we're off. but only for nine days. why only nine days? break is fun but going back is not so fun. hopefully i can get a lot of watercolor painting done. i love watercolors, they're so pretty.

last night when my dad was driving me to the christmas party, there were all of these big )so big) fields around the road and it was dark and it looked so nice because when you see fields that are that big they're just these huge dark masses and you can see so much sky and so many stars and i just wanted to fly out the window and land in the middle of one of those fields and stay there.

Kings of Leon were on the stereo very loudly. our car is filled with CDs and homemade mixes. the radio sucks. it's all commercials and beyonce. my dad has a sirius radio though which is pretty awesome. they play good music. such good music.

us ones in heaven /// sunset rubdown

idle songs /// frog eyes

the bones of an idol /// the new pornographers

sunset rubdown is so awesome, i forgot how much i loved them. they remind me so much of interpol but i only like one interpol song and i like lots of sunset rubdown songs. and frog eyes is pretty intense. they almost remind me of sonic youth. ALMOST.

i love poppies. i love gregor schuster. according to this post secret postcard, i'm loved too.

p.s.: wow this took me a long time to write, on and off for an hour and a half. i get so distracted :O

20 December 2008


eyes /// rogue wave
my own face inside the trees /// the clientele
stardust /// louie armstrong

The Paper Person :: i'm having tea with sofia coppola in an hour.

The Bonjour Girl :: can i come? i'll bring her cousin Jason.

The Paper Person :: sure, i married wes anderson last night so he can tell us all about The Life Aquatic.

i've been doing a lot of drawing and writing lately. i'm glad i'm back.

shortcomings of life

i created a flickr. i finished my wishlist that my parents have been asking for for the past two weeks. i wrote a poem, i never thought i would write a poem. it completely makes no sense, doesn't rhyme and hasn't the faintest outline of a pattern. poetry really isn't my thing, though there are a handful of poems that i do hold close to me!

it's taken me forever to drink this one cup of coffee but i don't know why because i love coffee, i just think it's because i'm at the computer and i'm distracted.

that little watercolor painting is by a flickr user called miss capricho, her art is pretty amazing. the watercolors she does look so delicate and pretty! some of the ink drawings of hers almost remind me of A.A. Miln's pooh drawings. and zoefield's are equally wonderful, particularly her blue polaroids and bone drawings!

today is a good day for inspiration. bye!

18 December 2008


Text Sequence:
Dad: Ems dinner macaroni and cheese oh and vodka martinis extra dry
Me: I only drink Baileys you malignant bitch!
Dad: Nice, Bailey's it is, biotch.
this is the relationship i have with my dad.
after this little CONVO i went downstairs (this sequence took place in the same HOUSE cannnn youbelieveit mhm mhmmm) and we talked about "of mice and men", seinfeld, honey mustard sauce and the crossword words at the kitchen table. i miss eating in the dining room.. anyway...

hide and seek imogen heap
back in your head (testo remix) tegan and sara
the weakest shade of blue the pernice brothers
my own face inside the trees the clientele
unless it's kicks okkervil river

and finally this really good song that i swear you know and love but you don't know by title:
let go frou frou

totes amazing
click it, it's for your own good! (cough..?) for some reason embed has NAWWWT been working for my blog posts :( i don't know why :( :( more frownzzz
or if you're friends with me on facebook it's on my profile.

AH i just want to read Where the Wild Things Are again and SEE THE MOVIE AH. i haven't seen the movie, and it doesn't come out till next year but the stills available are just.. so beautiful. the book was really important to me as a kid and still is. along with eloise and toot and puddle and good night moon. the film was written by dave eggers -- instant awesome!
weirdo. BYE.

14 December 2008

pink and purple and green and gwyneth paltrow and petals and ysl bowl haircuts and a freaky little paper person

hastwonames (jackson) showed me this website. this. web. site. is driving me insane. take a click, or two, or ten, or twenty seven or one hundred and you'll fall in love with it, i tell no lies. it's basically just an art project that the superdupercool photographer paul paper started, artists from around the world construct works around the sentence "it could be me, but it's actually paul paper." i think it's just brilliant and i couldn't resist making my own!

why hello again my loving friend

this was fashion streetcar, now it's paper people. as you can see this new blog of mine is a bit plain and boring now, but it is simply because i don't quite have time right now to brighten it up and go postcrazy, but it will, and i will.
i would say something about me, but if you're reading this, you most likely read fashion streetcar. if not, i love sonia rykiel and the shins and stars and i think chinese food is okay. i like cities and i like the country too and i like trains and bowler hats and the long hair i used to have. i have a lookbook and a listography that i neglect and i like change (sometimes) and and and and and i use the word "and" too much apparently. i am fourteen. i am not six, i do not live at the plaza, and my name is not eloise. i am emilie and i am emily. and darling, the pleasure is always mine.