22 April 2009

spirit they've vanished

"It was about this guy trying to be remembered and I realized that on more than one account close friends of mine have had troubles with wanting to be remembered. Why do you think that is, people wanting to be remembered?"
only m would be asking me this at midnight
i almost cried but i didn't.
take a few cold breaths lock your spirit in a bottle, plug that with some cork and twine and send it to sea when you stop existing. because then you'll exist really still,
you just caught a different course. after life may not be real but you can still continue without having a shadow.
just look at peter pan.
why would you want to be forgotten? it's a sad thought, even if m says you're gone mentally and wouldn't ever know.

they're just friendly mysteries peeping up and out like dandelions in a summer yard.
wishing you a good sleep and a good morrow ~