"I like how you never forget to mention."
thanks the most for noticing.
Don't ever forget anything. That's a favor I, P.S. Devereaux, am asking you. What I'm trying to do is actually very listen to what I'm reading and to what people say. Remember that we want people to appreciate our words as much as they want us to appreciate theirs.
I spoke with p last night and fell asleep before her next message which made me feel awful. I knew i was going to fall asleep I kept it pointed up so the light would beam like a lighthouse and I could see through my eyelids. Guess not.
The best you can do is to just let things be. Impatience doesn't help anyone just keep yourself occupied read a book learn something you want to learn go for a walk. as much as you want to pull the tab and release the hook you have to let go anyway. as much as you want to pull it you can't.
"keep on keeping on" b has been saying this for as long as i can remember. i don't know even where he got it. like everything it came from somewhere.
quite a full day so empty so full so both so nothing so everything.
like a balloon. or a ghost.
"peace on earth. not going to happen any time.. ever. maybe just my earth." j
tonight is a night for simon & garfunkel. they are the best.
i'm going to be writing soon. i haven't done this in a little while.
i hope it's like bike riding. i don't know why i'm so scared. it's not that i'm scared, i just don't know what will happen. i want to see.
i want to see everything and every you, and i want you to know that i want you to see me as well. wishing well wishing you well.
and now a word from our sponsor!
to young poets:
stop rhyming. you have talent, just don't feel so obliged to rhyme!!
i wrote half a page.
my parents reminded me my birthday was this monday. i forgot. they're asking me what i want.
but i don't really want anything.
drew purple warrior marks on hands i feel like i don't know what.
a real bunny skin soft from bath water. open window half the lights out.
a sentence or two more, waking up at five tomorrow.