i want everyone to call me pete it would be so nice. i'd rather be peter than emily, more than even anything else. many icknames.
i'm a bunny and a baby i'm not a log. says everyone else.
m's bearded man and plaid and warmth were the kindest. i didn't get to see mr. berner which made me extremely sad and incredibly disappointed. then blue had to be so kind and it made me feel very unworthy of anyone's kindness because i don't handle it well enough.
what can i do? can i hug them around the waist and say thank you so much and give them teabags and wristbones and wishbones and tell them everything will be okay again someday somehow somewhere someway? how about somenow!
i feel like lately i don't know how to react properly to kindness.
snap crackle pop
i try to make appreciation apparent because everything counts this is what i'm realizing. the small things count. everything does. but they matter. they are matter and they matter, it all matters. every single bingle thing matters.
i try, and then leaving people out makes me feel even worse that i'm not including everyone it's the worst feeling especially right now - thank you skies for the rain. i liked the cold air crackling skin lifted hair fools rush in the wind is a breath of timelessness.
"i have this for you"
i wrote "something unknown is doing we don't know what, that is what our knowledge amounts to" with orange sharpie right under the stage at the middle school. i hope they all see it and it stays there forever but they won't and it won't.
i need to embrace the end of things and stop being so nostalgic - but i have my look on the brightside bracelets to take care of,
and that is not taking proper care of those two.
i wrote a serious paper on mythology this essay was the only one that we could be the least bit creative and it's now that i decide to write something serious and stupid whereas on other essays i totally do whatever i want. i fell out of a chair and the teacher asked several times if i was alright and i felt the worst of the worst and i am the worst.
i bathed and then cried, i cry you cry he cries she cries the world cries. nope sorry. i'm alone on this and that's okay!
i talked about rainbows and in rainbows and blueberries and dinering and camping and just lovely things as usual.
made short films on my phone, for n
and took a disposable camera picture of all the rolling heads at lunch watching watching watching the middle aisle it was such a sea i'm glad i caught it i stole a painted paper fan on the floor of the middle school,
nameless homeless faceless but not identity less.
but not forgotten!!

"here's to sugar on the strawberries!"
-burt lancaster, the swimmer