it snowed today which made me happy. it snowed when i was blowdrying my hair and i was desperately trying to finish so i could "..." and then i realized why was i rushing, it wasn't like i was going outside anytime soon. probably just my eagerness. i wore the comfiest shirts all "break" long.
i talked to alex for ten hours yesterday. i also talked to dan chance and he seems cool. apparently he loves jazz. and france. and his name was shortened from some german thing. talking to alex is nice because he always has something to say and we talked about everyone and he knows everyone. but it was nice things not mean things, and i talked to dan about france and american apparel. and shakespeare.
after school tomorrow for who knows what, we'll probably end up not being prepared, mitch and missy and brit and i, and then i'll have to wait forever for my mom to pick me up as usual. and then sometime this week long conversations and coffee with those two crazy kids which i am pathetically excited about. one tall and one shakespeare.
i'm so small. i was looking at my height lines, the ones that have been progressively being drawn since 05 or 06, and looking at my most recent one i don't feel as tall as it says. it's weird how our eye level is how tall we feel but we are actually four or five inches taller than that.
i feel so rambly all the time. i made a necklace. i braided embroidery thread to use as a chain, and sewed these two puffy things with a tassel and tried to make it look pretty but it turned out more weird looking. we'll seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
small font is so nice. P.S. watch "diamonds" by tiger lily (and tiny teeth, i think her username is unicorncake) on YouTube. it is brilliant. i can NAWT STAWP watching it. youtube's so nice. nice nice nice who am i joel? i'm certainly empty enough to feel like joel.
so empty but so full. except unlike him i never shut up.
oh P.S. i watched persepolis again today (so NICE) / ferris bueller (take a look around wooja) and drank hot chocolate and made popcorn / an egg. i didn't read any Pi / Lolita which i'm mad at myself over.